



  • もし読めなかったらこちらを読んでいただければ幸いです

    I think borrowing books from libraries is berier for people.
    I have two reasons.
    First, they can borrowing books for no cost. Thus, they can easy to briew warious books.
    Second, they can find new favorite books. This is becaus, libralry has many kind of books. Threfore, I think borrowing books from libraries is better for people.

      補足日時:2023/01/21 20:44

A 回答 (1件)

Borrowing books from the library is a good thing.

There are two reasons for that.

First, you can borrow books for free. Also, they can easily borrow various kinds of books.

Second, they can find new favorite books.

Because there are many kinds of books in the library.

So I think it's better for people to borrow books from the library.
    • good
    • 0
