

お休みはオーストラリアに2週間行ってきました!(I went to Australia in two weeks.)
(I enjyoed I held a koala in my arm and swam in the sea, shopping in flea market!)


私も1個下の弟がいるよ(I have a younger brother too.)



東京には着いたかな?(Do you already arrived at Tokyo?)

A 回答 (2件)


I went to Australasia for 2weeks on vacation.

I really enjoyed holing a koala in my arms, shopping in the free market. enjoy の後には動名詞doing もしくは名詞
I would love to go there again!
Will you go to Hokkaido, won't you? Wow, amazing! How long are you going to stay in Japan? I also have a 1year younger brother.  He is very nasty. 

I cried at the scenes of the Road of the Rings,of which Sam helped and carried Frode and of which everybody came to fight for their companies for the final war in the Road of the Rings. I am sorry for not finding a good expression in English that I was moved by the movie.

I suppose that the Edo Tokyo Museum was one of the models in the movie, Spirits away!
There are many nostalgic buildings in this area. The spa was drawn in imitation of Dogo-Onsen in Ehime prefecture and Sekizen-kan in Gunma prefecture.
I would like to stay there but I am afraid that the hotel charge is expensive.

Have you already arrived in Tokyo? 完了形を使ったほうがより"着きました”というイメージが伝わりやすいとおもいました。後、ロードオブザリングスは全部は観ていないので少し想像して付け足してしまいました。すみません。
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For a vacation I went to Australia for two weeks. I had fun holding a koala and shopping in flea markets.

So you are going to Hokkaido! Great! How many more days are you going to be in Japan?

I also have a brother a year younger. He is a handful.

In "Lord of the Ring" I cried when Sam carried Frodo and when everyone came to the rescue in the battle scene. Sorry my Englsh fails me.

If you liked "The Spirited" the Edo-Tokyo Museum may have been one of the setting in it, because it has many old buildings. The hot spring scenes may have been modeled after Dogo in Ehime and Chikuzenkan in Gunma. Some day I hope to visit them but their hotels are expensive!

I wonder if you are already in Tokyo.

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