
Does that mean that there were no women potters in later times? Probably not.In many regions of South Asia,even though men may throw pottery using the wheel,the women and young girls do most of the clay preparation and fime decoration work.
Not every community lived near riverbed clay deposits,of course,so not every village had its own potter.But they may have had some other precious resource.Young people who lived near the sea,for example,became skilled divers and shell workers.Shell was used to make small tools and ornaments,especially bangles.
People who lived in the Baluchistan Mountains to the west or the Aravalli hills to the east of Indus Valley learned how to work the copper in their soil.At first they collected bits of copper that were already in metal form and pounded them into beads or small pins and knives.They also developed techniques for getting copper from copper ore.Metal workers used wood charcoal to make very hot fires that could melt the metal out of the rock.To make the charcoal,people had to cut down forests.Over thousands of years,the copper-producing areas became deforested.
Like shell bangles,stone beads were very common in South Asia,where they were symbols of wealth and power.The earliest bead makers drilled stone beads of soft limestone and soapstone in the highlands of Baluchistan and the deserts of Rajasthan.There were also deposits of chert,a hard stone that is easy to split into sharp-edged tonls,and jasper,a kind of quartz,suitable for making drill bits.Later bead makers shaped and drilled other types of stones,such as green serpentine from Baluchistan and blue lapis lazuli from Afghanistan.

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お礼日時:2012/05/08 17:47
