
As a young businessman, Thomas Kriek moved to Amsterdam to start a trading company. He was nervous that his business would not succeed. He worked hard however, and soon found that he needed more staff members. More importantly, he himself was getting too busy. He had to hire a secretary. This person would have to be talented and hard-working. He began interviewing candidates for the job. Day after day, he rejected them. He always found something wrong with each woman. It seemed that the right person would never show up.
On the sixth day of interviews, Thomas's luck changed He had found the perfect person. Her personality was pleasant. She had excellent recommendations from previous employers. She could speak not only English but French, German, and Russian as well. She could type this very quickly. Above all, there was something about older woman that he liked Suddenly, Thomas was worried. Would such a talented woman be satisfied with the salary he offered His firm was new, yet she was already in her 50s. Nervously, he told her about the low salary. To his surprise, she replied with a smile that it would be fine.
Yet by 5:00 in the afternoon, when he was ready to fall asleep in his chair, Ms. Neef looked as though she was still in the middle of her normal working day. In fact, it was the middle of her working day. Thomas found out the strange secret of Ms. Neef in her 12th year working with the company. One day, Ms. Neef came to Mr. Kriek's office and announced that she would retire. He tried to talk her out of it, but she would not in. In decided throw big give the end, Thomas to a party for his best worker.
Ms. Neef, as always, arrived right on time....with Ms. Neef! They were identical twin sisters. For 12 years they had shared the job. Karla had come in the morning. Fluent in French, she made sure that all French business was handled then. Then Mr. Kriek realized that for 12 years, he had never met a German client in his office in the morning! Since they lived together very simply, they felt that one job would be enough for them. As they both believed that they could give their best efforts on short days, they decided to share a job. Thus, both of them had lots of free time.This is why Ms. Neef had always seemed to be such a superwoman. Mr. Kriek, while surprised, was not angry in the least. Everyone applauded at the party when Thomas announced that he would pay Helga a retirement bonus as well.

A 回答 (5件)


※ In decided throw big give the end, Thomas to a party for his best worker.
この英文だけタイプミスか何かではないですか? このままでは意味が通じません。感じとしては「最高の社員の為にパーティを開く事にした」的な感じなのですが・・・

ニーフ女史はいつもどおりに時間ピッタリに・・・ミス・ニーフを連れてやってきたのです!! 彼らは一卵性双生児の姉妹でした。12年間彼らは仕事をシェアしていたのです。カーラは午前中出勤していました。流暢なフランス語をいかし、その後すべてのフランス関係のビジネスが処理されたことを確認しました。その時トーマスは12年間一度も午前中にドイツ人のクライアントとオフィスで逢ったことがなかったことに気付いたのです!ごく簡単に言えば彼らは一緒に生活していたので、仕事は一つで十分だと感じていたのでした。2人とも短い一日の方が自分達が最大の努力ができると信じていたので、ひとつの仕事をわけあうことにしたのです。よってそれぞれがたくさんの自由時間をもっていました。ニーフ女史が常に、当該スーパーウーマンのようだったのはこのためです。クリーク氏は驚きはしましたが少なくとも怒ってはいませんでした。トーマスが、ヘルガにも同じように退職金を支払うと発表した時パーティ出席者の誰もが拍手したのでした。
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お礼日時:2016/07/16 19:05




面接6日目、トーマスの運気が変わりました。申し分のない人を見つけたのです。彼女の性格は感じの良いものでした。以前の雇用主からの素晴らしい推薦状をもっていたのです。彼女は英語だけでなくフランス語、ドイツ語そしてロシア語も話せました。タイプライターもすごく早く打つことができました。何にもまして彼が好きな年上の女性ならではのものがありました。突然トーマスは心配になりました。こんな能力の高い女性が彼が提示したサラリーで満足するのだろうか? 彼の事務所はできたばかりで彼女はすでに50代です。不安を抱きながら彼は給料が安い事を話しました。驚く事に彼女はそれで十分ですと笑顔で答えたのです。
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