

1 生徒は、自分たちの学力にあった学校を選ぶ傾向があります。 *1つ不要


①their ability ②for ③fitting ④to choose ⑤a tendency ⑥matches ⑦there's ⑧that ⑨students ⑩a school

2 彼女が僕を嫌っているのは僕といると緊張するからです。

The reason ()()()()()()().

①her ②nervous ③I ④me ⑤is that ⑥make ⑦she doesn't like

3 彼がそのパーティーに来なかったのは、そのパーティーに関心がなかったからだ。

That he ()()()()()() the party.

①that ②interested in ③means ④to the party ⑤he was not ⑥didn't come

4 なぜ彼が誰にも告げず出国したか、私は理解に苦しみます。

()()()()()()()()()() anyone.

①the country ②he ③is ④left ⑤me ⑥puzzles ⑦telling ⑧what ⑨why ⑩without

5 The more I tired to answer the question, the harder it seemed to become, until at () ()()()()() impossible.

①as ②gave ③I ④it ⑤last ⑥up

A 回答 (1件)

1. There's a tendency for students to choose a school that matches their ability.

2. The reason she doesn't like me is that I make her nervous.

3. That he didn't come to the party means that he was not interested in the party.

4. What puzzles me is why he left the country without telling anyone.

5. at last I gave it up as
    • good
    • 1

