

反対に韓国は消費による経済成長を優先して車庫証明が無く ても自動車を購入所有できるため、違法な路上駐車が多いです。
That there is no depot proof in Japan, a car is bought, it can't be possessed, there is almost no illegal parking on the street which can be tried.
Even if Korea gives priority to economic growth by consumer spending oppositely, and there is no depot proof, a car is bought, there is a lot of illegal parking on the street because it can be possessed.


A 回答 (5件)

In Japan we ca not buy a car without a garage certificate that's why an illegal street parking is refraining.

On the other hand in Korea they can buy a car without a garage certificate under the economic growth priority policy, that's why we can often see illegal street parking.

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日本では車庫証明が無いと自動車を購入所有できないため、違法な路上駐車はほとんどありません」←嘘を英語にして どうするの?

よーく 見て御覧?

沢山の車が 違法路上駐車してるのが解かるから・・
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In Japan, one must obtain a certificate of parking space to purchase a car, so each car theoretically has it's own parking space. On the other hand, in Korea, there are no such regulation. Thus the streets are full of illegal parking.
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