

However, some foods have been discarded in this way, we can eat
In spite of the fact that it gradually with the increasing number of discarded food.
In other words, instead of discarding it no longer eat, he eats are discarded from.


In large European super foods that expiration date is still one week left
All have the disposal.
Always, the image management for supermarket that sells only fresh foods.
In large supermarket in France is that in the year 500 600 tons of food scraps.
Recently, I have a tendency to become gradually shorter the expiration date, although the amount has increased steadily


There is food waste is produced in the food field.
Buyers are not even slightly funny shape or have a little scar on crops
Do not buy. So, farmers have no choice but to sell these crops for disposal.
For example, crooked cucumbers are considered to have no commercial value, to be disposed of.

一つの例として、アメリカのleftover boxがある。
減らすためにもleftover box の使用を積極的に行わなければならない。

In order to reduce food waste, what can you do to us?
As one example, there is a leftover box of the United States.
In the U.S., you can bring home food left cooking in most restaurants.
In Japan, the take home is not permitted in most health issues. However, the food waste
Must be done aggressively to reduce the use of leftover box.


A 回答 (1件)



(1) However, we throw away foods that we can still eat, and quantity of foods thrown away like that increases.
In other words, we throw them away not because we cannot eat them but because we do not eat them.

(2) All the foods whose expiration dates are still one week away are disposed of in the hypermarkets in Europe.
This is because they want to keep the image that they always sell only fresh foods.
A certain French hypermarket discards 500 to 600 tons of garbage per year.
The amount has been increasing steadily recently because expiration dates tend to become shorter.

(3) Food disposal can be seen also on the farm where food is produced.
Buyers will not buy the crops if they have a small damage or are slightly deformed.
Therefore, farmers cannot but dispose of these crops which do not sell.
For example, deformed cucumbers are thrown away because they are thought to have no market value.

(4) Then what can we do to reduce the food disposal?
One solution may be leftover boxes in the United States.
Most restaurants in America allow people to take their leftovers back home.
Taking the leftovers home is not allowed in Japan because of hygiene issue.
However, we should use leftover boxes willingly in order to solve food disposal problem.
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