
Solve the problem. Use 3.14 for π. Round to the nearest tenth.
15) A toy baseball bat comes with 3 plastic balls in a box that is a rectangular solid. The box is just big
enough to hold the 3 balls. The radius of the balls is 1.7 in. What is the volume of the air in the box
surrounding the balls.
A) 18.7 in3 B) 97.3 in3 C) 56.2 in3 D) 47.0 in3


A 回答 (1件)


1. get the dimensions of the rectangular solid and then get the volume of the box

2. get the volume of one ball and then get the volume not taken up by the balls
4π(1.7^3)/3 in3=20.569 in3 →117.912 in3-(3x20.569 in3)=117.912 in3 -61.707 in3=56205 in3

ですから答えは(C)の56.2 in3 になると思います。
    • good
    • 0
