

(1) Since Miki [①was] only three years old, she needed [②her mother's help] when [③wearing] the new [④pair of] pants.

(2) My father has long been suffering [①from] diabetes but he wants [②to keep working] until he [③will retire] [④at] the age of 60.

(3) [①Exhausting] from [②a] day's work, she went [③to] bed much [④earlier] than usual.

(4) [①With] gasoline prices so high, the [②amount] of people driving to work has [③decreased] [④dramatically].

(5) The restaurant kitchen was very tidy [①when] the [②health inspector] came because they [③cleaned up it] the day [④before].

(6) I tried[①harely] to get tickets [②to the concert] but had no luck - they were [③completely sold out] by the time [④that] I got to the sales window.

(7) This [①chemical] is safe [②when] dry, but when [③combining] with water it is [④dangerous].

A 回答 (2件)

(1)③putting on : wear(は「身につけている状態 ), put on(身に着けてない状態から身につける動作 )

(2)③retires :副詞節の中では単純未来形は用いないで現在形を用いる
(3)①「Exhausted」:As she was exhausted を分詞構文にすると (Being)Exhausted で過去分詞の方を用いる
(4)②number : amount 「量」 number 「数」を表す
(5)③cleaned it up:動詞句に代名詞を入れるには代名詞を前置詞の前に置く
(6)①barely :barely(かろうじて・何とかして ) harely(?) ② for the ticket : a train ticket, a one-way ticketなどと用いるがコンサートのチケットの場合は tickets for the concertとする  
(7)③combined : it is combinedに分詞を用いると(being)combined となり過去分詞の方を用いる (3)と用法は同じ

    • good
    • 0

(1) [③wearing] → putting on

(2 [③will retire] → retires

(3) [①Exhausting] → Exhausted

(4) [②amount] → number

(5) [③cleaned up it] → cleaned it up
(6) [①harely] これは barely だとして
[②to the concert] → for the concert

(7) [③combining] → combined
    • good
    • 0

