
I want to see kabuki show, but is it possible to take children there? Children are allowed from what age?

A 回答 (8件)

At first, Well come to Japan and thank you for interested in Japanese culture.

Yes you can! Any age can see Kabuki, if children can see with good manner.
But as you know the ticket is pretty expensive and show may long time for young children.
Also children ticket is same price as adult.
...however, if you are not expert of Kabuki, how about you choose only 1 stage?
Kabuki has many stages and it made 1 kabuki, but sometimes you can buy only 1 stage,
it costs only 1000yen - 2000yen (ABOUT $8us-$18us)
But it can not buy before only can buy entrance of building on that day.
Or just you can enjoy Kabuki equipment and culture, it will be fun and costs much cheap!


hope you can enjoy Kabuki.
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you can take children kabuki.
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Yes, It is.

Kabuki is not age. everyone will be able to see it.
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I think children are allowed in Kabuki as long as they don't star

eaming and running around.
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Generally, there is no age limit but one exception.

At Kabukiza (Ginza), Children under the age of 6 may not enter single act seats.
http://www.kabuki-bito.jp/eng/contents/theatre/k …

I am agree with the Mr/Ms No.3.
Besides the single act seats at Kabukiza, it is not good manner to bring small children
who cannot watch Kabuki quietly. At least Kabukiza sometimes offer nursing service.
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There is no admission of the age limit, but if they are infants, it is better not taken. This is the same in the Japanese, people who bring small children to Kabuki but very few.

In Kabuki theatre, you can lend a tablet translation for foreign people, but I think it's too difficult to read for your child can. And also It is difficult to sit for a long performance.

Kabuki has many Kabuki lovers and elderly visitors, quiet appreciation attitude than the others will be asked.

On the other hand, is also many Japanese have come to look forward to as a special event of the non-everyday. When children had clamoring bored, to give, such as entrance and exit and candy and drinks to the lobby of during the show will be a big nuisance to such other visitor. It is very rude behavior for actor.

Kabuki theatre and National theatre have Child Services. Although reservations and contribution is required, in order to enjoy the Kabuki without worry, please try to consider all means available.
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No age limit.If you can put your kid aged under 6 years old on your knee while the show goes on,no tricket is needed.You may bring his(her) passport and should prove he(she) is under 6.

P.S. Under 6 means your kid is not going to elementary school yet.
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everyone can see kabuki show.
no age limit.
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