【大喜利】【投稿~9/7】 ロボットの住む世界で流行ってる罰ゲームとは?

I'm planning to drive across Japan mainland with my family,where can I rent a camping car? And is it possible to drive through to hokkaido from mainland Japan? Btw, I will be staying near toyosu.

A 回答 (2件)

This site has much information but in Japanese.

English site does not has information where you can rent.

Remember. In Japan, camping car is not so popular to be difficult
where to rent and park and so on, in my opinion.

Before then, do you know you have to drive left side in this country?
Do you have a International Driving Permit?
For detail, see this site.
Japan National Tourism Organization Car Rental
http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/arrange/transportation …
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In Tokyo,you can find some in this site.

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