
I want to visit several islands of okinawa. but there are so many, any recommended plan to visit several in a row?

A 回答 (3件)

In my opinion, your (and your companions') reasons to go to Okinawa is the key.

Off course Ishigaki Island is good choice, but why are you interested in going to Okinawa?

The OKINAWA Convention & Visitors Bureau makes a English site.
Have you ever seen it? This comments the difference and character of each major islands.
Refer to the site.

It depends on season and interests, but to swim, Kerama Islands is a good choice,
and if you are interested in jungle taste scene, Iriomote Island is good choice.
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I also recommend Ishigaki island.

There are beautiful beaches, natures, nice foods, and etc...
Furthermore you can go other some islands from Ishigaki by boats.(It's not expensive!) These islands also have wonderful nature.
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I recommend Ishigaki Island of Okinawa which has beautiful beache

s. You can enjoy talking with local people who are willing to welcome everyone.
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