
①Since the online store is not yet online, the first drop will be slightly different and will require your presence at time of drop.

②Since the current shop redirects you to the supreme homepage, the start timer will not be the best route to go. You can use it, but you would need to set it to open a couple seconds after the drop and even then the site may not have yet updated and you will be redirected to the homepage.
③Keyword finder may or may not working depending on site changes, but manually clicking on items will most likely lead to the best odds on drop 1.
IF you do wish to use the keyword finder you it will need to be timed correctly when you hit the save button, if you hit save and you are redirected to the supreme homepage, close the window and try again – timing will be key here

⑤For JP codes will not be posted until after the UK drop – for this reason we recommend not using the keyword finder for the first drop.
⑥Lastly, if this is your first season with us, all this may seem complicated but once you can actually use the bot and run tests you will quickly get a grasp of how it all works
⑦Updates to the bot will begin after the first drop if needed, this tips above only apply to the first release. In the event that some features on the bot do not work, please rest assured that updates will begin immediately right after and be released for the following week.

A 回答 (1件)


キーワードファインダーを使用したい場合は、保存ボタンを押したときに正確に時間を計測する必要があります。保存を押して最高のホームページにリダイレクトし、ウィンドウを閉じてもう一度やり直してください - ここでタイミングが重要です

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