
He looked down at the back of his hands and studied them for a time. ‘Had it not been for you, her love for you, Puffin, your mother, I know, would have taken her own life without a moment’s hesitation before allowing that scoundrel to lay a finger on her. She would have found a way, and she would have done it. But there was you to consider.  So in the end, [① when she saw the situation for what it was], she made an arrangement.] You would be financially provided for in return for … for her compliance. [② I saw to much of it myself,] arranged it through the company.

① when she saw the situation for what it was
② I saw to much of it myself

A 回答 (1件)

① when she saw the situation for what it was

→ 『彼女がその状況の本当のところを理解した時』。  
“see (recognize) ~ for what it is” は直訳すれば「~を(本当は)何であるかで理解する」ということです。

② I saw to much of it myself
→ 『私はその多くを私自身で取り計らった』。
“see to ~” で「~を取り計らう」です。
    • good
    • 0
