

I have a sore throat and swollen since yesterday. I might have caught a cold. I wanted take an off today, but my wife denied. I went to the workplace reluctantly. Since I have few nasal hairs, I am prone to get disease.
When I see a TV wig commercial, I always think that I wish I could have a hair transplant in my nose. If I transplant nasal hair 100 or so, I would not become disease easily. According to the news, a man allegedly popped a candidate’s husband on the campaign hustings. It seems like he felt annoying their speech. No matter what reason, brutal power is not unacceptable.

A 回答 (2件)



I have a sore throat and (it has been) swollen since yesterday. I might have caught a cold. I wanted (to take off work) today, but my wife denied (me). I went to the workplace reluctantly. Since I have few nasal hairs, I am prone to (getting) (sickはもっと自然的です).
When I see a TV wig commercial, I always (削除:think that I) wish I could have a hair transplant in my nose. If I transplant (100 nasal hairs) or so, I would not become (sick あるいは ill) easily. According to the news, a man allegedly (punched) a candidate’s husband on the campaign (trail -- 「hustings」は言葉じゃありません). It seems like he felt (annoyed by) their speech. No matter what (the) reason, (brutal powerは厳密にいえば正しいですけど、「violence」の方が自然的です) is not unacceptable.

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よく分かりました。また是非よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

お礼日時:2009/07/13 13:42


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