

A 回答 (5件)

It will be the last day of the last winter vacation in high schoo

l years today. Did you all have a good time during the winter vacation? Let's keep our own memories during the winter holidays.
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お礼日時:2012/01/10 06:29

   Our last winter break in high school ends today. I hope you e

njoyed it. Let's cherish the memory.
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Today is the last day of our senior-year winter break in high sch

ool. Did everyone have a good time? Let each of us cherish the memories of our last winter break.
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訂正、Today is the last day of our high school winter holidays. → To

s the last day of the final year of our high school winter holidays.
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Today is the last day of our high school winter holidays. Did yo

u enjoy your holidays? Each one of you should cherish your memories of these holidays.
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