
I heard marijuana is illegal in Japan? Is the law very strict there?

A 回答 (5件)

Yes, as you expect, Japanese Cannabis Control Law is very strict.

Even if it's for medical purpose, without official permission, importing and holding marijuana is illegal.

Penalty for illegal import is imprisonment for 7years or less.
Holding marijuana is 5years or less.
(both for personal use, not for commercial)

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The control of marijuana is severe in Japan.

It is difficult to bring it into Japan. You'll be arrested if you bring it into Japan.
If there is much quantity, you will enter the prison.
The control of marijuana is strict with the neighboring Asian countries which were a former colony of Japan.
Please be careful.
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Be careful. You will be arrested even if you grow the marijuana p

lant( Cannabis) at home.
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YES.Welcome to Alcatrazz!

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According to Japanese government web site, a person who has, sells, gives, and/or buys marijuana is sentenced to five years' penal servitude.
The custom offices in international air ports are also strict.
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