


「As a result, he made me realize how important determination is, but I think that I'm lacking in it. Therefore, I need a lot of improvement to become a man of decisiveness like him.」


A 回答 (2件)



As a result, he made me realize how important determination is, but I think that I lack it. Therefore, I need a lot of improvement to become a man with determination like him.


Dear No.1 poster,

I would like to make some suggestions for your writing.

"After all" is not a proper substitute for "as a result", "to what extent the resolution is important" refers to how important the solution is, while the OP is trying to say how he/she realized how important determination is, not just the solution.

"he show me to what extent...", it should be "he showed me to what extent", in the past tense.

The semicolon shouldn't be there. Semicolons are used to link two different independent clauses that could be written as two separate sentences.

When you say "still insufficient for me", you're saying the opposite of what the OP wants to say, they want to say that they are lacking determination, not that they are not getting enough determination.

Lastly, your phrase "numerous progresses" doesn't make sense. Progress is already plural, and cannot be made progress(es).
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んん、文法的には間違ってないけど いかにも日本人らしい ぎこちない英語ですね。

では、僭越ながら 手直しさせていただきます。

After all, he show me to what extent the resolution is important ; which seems still insufficient for me. That's why I need numerous progresses to be a man as decisive as him.
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