
We recently buried my mother and held a service in celebration of her life. There was a visitation one hour prior to the service. I cannot count the number of people who came through the line and said, "I bet you don't know who I am" or "I know you remember me" and then stood there grinning while they waited to see whether I could guess their name. Annie, my sister and I live out of state and hadn't seen these people in more than 20 years. When I couldn't recall their names, they acted hurt.
Please, folks, at a memorial service, just put out your hand, introduce yourself and say how you knew the deceased. You are precious to come and pay tribute to anyone who has passed away, but do make it easy on a family that is grieving. This is a stressful time, and those who tried to make us play guessing games only made it harder.

make it easy on a family that is grievingとmade it harderの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

A 回答 (2件)

do make it easy on a family that is grieving. どうか悲しみに暮れている家族にとって(名前や故人との関係を当てさせることなどせずに)楽にさせてください。

those who tried to make us play guessing games only made it harder. 当てっこゲームを私たちにさせようとする人たちは、(私たちの悲しみを)より辛くするだけなのです。
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お礼日時:2019/07/19 17:53


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お礼日時:2019/07/19 17:53
