

(1) I told her again () to mail the letter for me.

①on a way ②in the way ③so as ④to be sure

(2) Before the Revolutionary War, the British began making laws that many colonists thought () unfair.

①are ②be ③was ④were

(3) It is dangerous to use a mobile phone () driving a car.

①as ②during ③on ④while

(4) I just can't imagine ().

①his depressing ②being his depressing ③his being depressed ④his depressed

(5) My father was no more a scientist than hls brother ().

①did ②did not ③was ④was not

(6) Who do you think it was () called me so late last night ?

①which ②what ③whom ④that

(7) The fees listed after each course description () directly to the instructor at the first class meeting.

①are to be paid ②are to pay ③is being paid ④is paying

(8) () in the world of literature, that author was finally recognized as a major novelist long after he had died.

①If it happens ②For it happens often ③When it happens ④So frequently it happens ⑤As sometimes happens

(9) Social science, () in 1988, is no longer taught at this college.

①having studied ②studying the subject ③the subject I studied ④I have studied

(10) The author of this novel is a lady () an American and now living in San Francisco.

①married to ②marrying with ③married ④married with ⑤marrying to

(11) パスポートを家に忘れてくるなんて、最悪だ。

() could ()() than to leave your passport at home.

(12) The discovery that coal could be burned () the kind of industrial society in which we live.

①remained ②made possible ③came into being ④happened

A 回答 (2件)

(1) ④

(2) ④

(3) ④

(4) ③

(5) ③

(6) ④

(7) ①

(8) ⑤ 関係代名詞の as で、ここでは主格。
先行詞は後の that author 以下、と説明されます。
もちろん、普通は先行詞は前ですが、as では後が可能。

(9) ③

(10) ① marry は marry O か、be/get married (to ~)

(11) Nothing could be worse
(12) ② made O possible「O を可能にする」の O が後にきたもの。
    • good
    • 1

1: ④

2: ④
3: ④
4: ③
5: ③?
6: ④
7: ①
8: ①?
9: ③
10: ④?
11: 選択問題…?
12: ①

正直言ってよくわらないです…(汗) 特に?が横にある奴はあまり本当にあってるかがわかりません。
    • good
    • 0

