

While living in New York, we were often surprised by an experience we would have when leaving our editing room. If there was an African American individual on the street in front of us trying to catch a cab, and we stood just past him trying to hail one too, the cab driver would ALwAYS pass by the black person and then stop to pick us up. So, we decided to carry out a little experiment. We arranged to have a black guy stand on a street corner in Manhattan and then, twenty yards down the street from him, a white guy. We got Emmy-nominated actor Yaphet Kotto as our black candidate and Louie Bruno, a convicted felon who served time in four different prisons, as the representative from our race. So, who would the taxis stop for a distinguished black actor, or a white criminal?
We set them up on the corner of Amsterdam Avenue and Seventy-sixth street on New York's Upper West Side. One by one, the taxis passed by Yaphet and picked up Louie. Louie Bruno would get into the cab and tell the driver to take him only five blocks. When the taxi stopped, our correspondent, Rusty Cundieff, would be waiting to ask the cabbie a few questions. "Did you see the black guy back there just before you picked up this guy?” "Uh, no, I didn't see him," some cabbies replied.
So, on attempt two, we put a huge light on the curb shining right on Yaphet. of course, the next cab passed by him, too, and picked up Louie. When Rusty asked that cabbie if he had seen Yaphet, he replied, "Sure, but he looked kinda threatening." So, on attempt three, to make Yaphet look less "threatening," we put a baby in his arms and a bouquet of roses in his hands. The next cabs went right on by. In fact, it didn't really matter what we did. Yaphet hailed cabs dressed in tuxedo as if he were attending the opera or a formal dinner, but it made no difference to the cabbies. We even brought in one of those big portable lighted signs and lettered it with "I Need a Cab," stuck it right next to him, and the taxis would pass by to collect the white felon.
when Rusty interviewed the drivers, he asked them if they knew whom they had picked up. He showed them a copy of Louie Bruno's arrest record. They were stunned. He gave the cabbies eye tests to see if there might be something wrong with their eyesight that caused them to miss a six-foot-four-inch, 250-pound black man. Actually, what they had done was to make a snap decision that Louie looked "safe" because he was white.
In fairness to the New York City cabbies, there were a number of them, mostly black, who did pull over to give Yaphet a ride. But they were definitely the minority.

A 回答 (2件)


私たちの前の通りにタクシーを捕まえようとする一人のアフリカ系アメリカ人がいたとして、そして私たちも同じくタクシーを拾おうと彼を通り過ぎたところに立つと、タクシー運転手は、「いつも必ず」黒人の彼の横を通り過ぎて私たちを乗せようととまるのです。なのでちょっとした実験をやってみることにしました。私たちはマンハッタンのとある街角に一人の黒人の男性を立たせ、彼から20ヤード離れた通りに白人の男性を立たせました。黒人役としてエミー賞にノミネートされたことがある ヤフェット・コットーを、白人代表として有罪判決を受け4つの刑務所での服役経験があるルイ・ブルーノを選びました。さあ、はっきりそれとわかる黒人の為、もしくは白人の為にタクシーを止めるのは誰でしょうか?
    • good
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お礼日時:2017/01/10 04:05



    • good
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お礼日時:2017/01/10 04:06
