
I am thinking of visiting Kanto area around Nov. Do you know any great places for seeing beautiful autumn leaf colouration?

A 回答 (16件中11~16件)

The actual time for the best timing will depend on WHEN the temperature stats to dropping...

But I think Mid - End Nov should be good time.
One place I could think will be Takao-san (M. Takao) area which is western Tokyo.
But my favorite will be take Tobu Line to Kinugawa Onsen or Nikko area.

I will be heading to Japan from the 3rd week of Oct ~ beginning of Nov this year, unfortunately it'll be little too early for "Kohyoh" (autumn foliage) season. But when I visit my family in Aizu, Fukushima (that's in the Southern Tohoku area), I will be taking Tobu Line from Tokyo Skytree - (Kinugawa Onsen) - Aizuwakamatsu, instead of the bullet train which will be much quicker, but I love the train ride thru mountains & gorge... :)

I hope you will have a great time in Japan!
It's the best season to visit a side from Sprint Cherry Blossom season, but Autumn has great seasonal food!
「Any good places for 」の回答画像6
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■Inokashira Park

【HP】http://www.kensetsu.metro.tokyo.jp/seibuk/inokas …
*People also satisfied to take a picture grows a variety of autumn leaves trees on the grounds of the park

【HP】http://teien.tokyo-park.or.jp/contents/index031. …
*Night light up is recommended. Because some of the garden there is also a place to drink green tea, you settle down If you take a pause after the Kabuki

I can recommend a Japanese garden's this two only. Rikugien's recommended. I think Kabuki> and lighting have been autumn leaves> green tea, and spend the Japanese time.
Please send a good trip!
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CHICHIBU in Saitama Prefecture is popular and one of the most beautiful places in autumn.

You could touch on a part of the beauty if once web-search about that. Enjoy!
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There are many places where you may enjoy autumn leaf colouration. Please take a look at the site below.

https://www.jreast.co.jp/e/season/autumn/kanto.h …

This introduces three famous places in Kanto region. This site is run by a Railway company. So, if you show this page to the staff, they will kindly explain how to get there.

Firstly, the site introduces "Nikko". This place is famous, because of the beautiful site seeings and Toshogu Shrine which is final resting place of famous shogun Ieyasu. However, you have to remember that this place is colder than Tokyo.

Secondly, it introduces Ueno. This place is located at the Tokyo. So, if you do not have time, this is the place to go. I guarantee that you enjoy the good seeing even if you are in the mega city. If you like animals, you can enjoy Zoo.

Finally, it explains about Kamakura. This is very beautiful place and is also important place to talk about Japanese history. If you get here, you can enjoy Japanese history, sight seeing and moreover, you can see the beach. However, you have to make sure that it is too cold to swim.

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the visit of my country.
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I can recommend you to visit "Okutama" area which is located west of Tokyo.

https://www.google.co.jp/maps/place/%E6%9D%B1%E4 …

It's part of Tokyo but noone can imagine it's in Tokyo as most of natures are still there.
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See the "Go to Tokyo" site.

Autumn foliage
https://www.gotokyo.org/en/tourists/attractions/ …

It really depends on the weather but generally,
Beginning/middle of November: Good in Mountain area such as Mt. Takao
End of November: Good in central area such as Meiji-Jingu Garden.
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