
How many days is good to visit Kyoto?

A 回答 (2件)

It's up to you.

Answering people never knows your preference, interest of Japanese History,
and ability of Japanese language.

Refer to the site by the city of Kyoto and Kyoto Convention & Visitors Bureau

In my opinion, one day is too short.
If you are interested in Japanese History, stay there at least more than 3 days.
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It is depends on what you like. and also depends how to go( for ex bus , train ,taxi)each temple.

if you much know japanese culture maybe one week is enough.

if you wanna see a lots
it is better barrow taxi what 1 day charter cuz each of
temples or castles are far.

cuz most problem in kyoto how to go to the each temple or castles.

it has one day free pass of bus the price is 500en but
it is complicated to how to walk around.

better to make a schedule the day before to go kyoto.
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