
Where can I buy "Slim De beaute" in Tokyo and Price (Yen) ?

I have plan to visit Tokyo from Dec 31 to Nov 4 and I want to buy it

It would be greatly appreciated if you could share such information.

「Where can I buy "Sli」の質問画像

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You can buy them "Yodobashi Camera"
※Written in Japanese, but click each branch. It has English location info and map

or "Yamada Denki"
※Unfortunately it has just Japanese location site
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Wow~^^, Thanks so much,,,, !!! Have a nice day !

お礼日時:2016/10/21 23:14

According to one of a famous electronic devices shop named "Yodobashi Camera",

it costs JPY12,960 including consumption tax.
http://www.yodobashi.com/%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AB%E3%8 …
Another famous one, "Yamada Denki" says it costs JPY¥12,957 including tax.
http://www.yamada-denkiweb.com/455821014?q=%E3%8 …

Those cost are for mail-order, but it may cost about JPY13,000.
If you are eligible for tax free shopping, you can purchase 8% off from original price.
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