
「try」と「try out」についてはかなり近い意味ですが、ややtry outのほうが挑戦するようなニュアンスが濃くなります。 ← と、とあるサイトに書いてあったのですが、help out の場合はhelpよりも 深刻な状況から救い出すというよりは もっと日常でちょっと手助けするような軽いニュアンスで使われると私は認識していて、、、質問ですが try out の out はどういった意味で使われているのでしょうか? help outの outとは全く異なるニュアンスでつかわれているのでしょうか?

A 回答 (7件)

Out がつくと、もっと具体的な感じを受けますね。

でも真剣さの度合いとはあまり関係ないと思います。例えば、服を買おうかどうか迷っていて、試着したいときなど、May I try this? ではなく、May I try this out? と言います。

FindとFind outの違いもそんな感じを受けます。

CleanとClean outも、ただ「片付ける」に対して、もっと具体的に行動としてやる!という感じでしょうか。

あとSpeak outに見られるように、Outには、「中から外」というニュアンスがあるので、実際に目に見えるところでの「行動」を強調する意識が見られます。Figure outも、何かわからないことを、解決して「中から外」という感じがします。うまく説明できなくてすみません。
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次の解説の中に"try out"も"help out"も含まれております:

# Solution; searching and finding
Trying to find an answer or solution to a problem or something you don't know or understand. It often refers to the result of something, maybe discovering something or finding or presenting some information.
bear out This is not borne out by research.
check out Check the facts out before you start torturing yourself.
catch out I'm relieved that we didn't get caught out.
come out They came out on top.
dig out I'm going to dig out some old clothes and so some gardening.
draw out The task is designed to draw out key issues.
fathom out I'm trying to fathom out how to use my new phone.
feel out I will feel out my father and see what he thinks.
ferret out They are determined to ferret out the truth.
figure out It took some time for her to figure out how to juggle movie stardom, marriage and motherhood.
find out She's going to find out sooner or later.
fish out He calmly fished his papers and passport out of his bag.
get out I had to get the truth out of him.
hammer out Officials will try to hammer out a compromise at a meeting on Friday.
have out She was determined to have it out with him.
help out Do you think you guys could help us out?
hug out Some words were exchanged but everyone was able to hug it out in the end.
hunt out Their using drones to hunt out rebels.
iron out They're testing the system to iron out any teething problems.
lay out She made a speech laying out her vision for combating climate change.
look out Look out! There's a car coming.
lose out Single parent families will lose out under the new system.
make out He couldn't make out what they were saying.
mark out Brightly colored clothes can mark you out as a foreigner and may attract unwanted attention.
nose out He managed to nose out some important facts.
pick out I want to pick out a dress that makes you feel beautiful.
piece out He's trying to piece out what happened.
point out Admit the charge but point out the strain you were under.
prise out He is determined to prise it out of her.
puzzle out They tried to puzzle out how she died.
reason out The questions require the student to reason out the answer.
screw out They managed to screw a confession out of him.
search out I really enjoyed searching out old, interesting corners of the town.
seek out With household budgets becoming tighter, consumers are seeking out the best prices.
single out People are singled out every day for being different.
smell out He can smell out trouble.
smoke out We may have to smoke him out.
sniff out She is renowned for her exceptional nose for sniffing out talent.
sort out There's nothing more you can do. You should let the lawyers sort it out.
sound out I wanted to sound out how people felt about this.
spell out The country must spell out where it stands on this issue.
spit out If you're gonna say something, just spit it out.
squeeze out They've been trying to squeeze more information out of him.
stake out American agents flew to London and staked out the address with British police officers.
suss out He first considered denying it, but it was pointless since she quite obviously had sussed him out.
talk out I think you should try and talk things out.
tease out We've been trying to tease out the truth.
test out We're trying to test out ideas to see what sticks.
think out The details were carefully thought out.
thrash out Negotiators are trying to thrash out a common position.
try out Would you like to try out this new product?
turn out I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out.
work out I finally worked out the answer to the problem.
worm out I tried two or three times to worm the secret out of him.
wring out They are trying to wring out information about his background.
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try out のほうが、『合うと?(九州方言)感』がありますw

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No. 1の再補足

次のようにご丁寧に"casually try out"としているケースなどもかなりありますので、やはり「気軽にやってみる」というニュアンスでしょうね:

What is a good way to _casually try out_ Amazon Web Services (AWS) products as a consumer?
https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-good-way-to-casu …

ところで、「try outのほうが挑戦するようなニュアンスが濃くなります」の「挑戦」ですが、「ちょっとやってみる」のも「挑戦」だし、「マジでやってみる」のも「挑戦」ですので、解説としては意味を成していないと思いますね。
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No. 1の補足

"out"は色々な意味合いで使われますが、"try out"や"help out"などの場合は次の解釈でよろしいかと思われます:

2a 【展開】外へ広がって(解説的語義)
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「try out」について

最後まで; すっかり,完全に.
fight it out 最後まで戦い抜く.
clean out a room 部屋をすっかり掃除する.
Hear me out. 私の言うことを終わりまで聞いてくれ.
I was tired out. 私はへとへとに疲れ切った.

「help out」について
Away from home or one's usual place.
Let's eat out tonight
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Volunteering offers you the chance to try out a new career without making a long-term commitment.
https://www.wcsu.edu/community-engagement/benefi …

try out
2. To test or use experimentally.
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