
"it's a very fair offer given the merits of the case."
"I'm going to court, I'm taking them on, I'm bringing them down"
"this bastard who won't let his neighbour grow his hedges over his own fence"
"when one of these cases actually deserves to go before a jury the courtroom is all yours"
" I put my ass on the line to get you this gig,"



Sandy: (on the phone) No, it's a very fair offer given the merits of the case...ok (Rachel rolls her hands at him as if to say speed it up)....I'll think it over, goodbye
Sandy: My wife does that thing with her hands when she, she's really pissed off with me
Rachel: Your wife and I have alot in common...you've been here half a day and you've booked court dates for 5 of the 7 cases you were assigned
Sandy: Do I win the free set of steak knives?
Rachel: Sandy, this isn't how they do things around here and I could keep this off the partners radar for now but you've gotta understand
Sandy: Understand what? I'm going to court, I'm takin em on, I'm bringing em down, especially this bastard who won't let his neighbour grow his hedges over his own fence
Rachel: look, you know how much time and energy goes into trying one of these, if you settled you could handle twice as many cases and we're in a volume business here
Sandy: Like cosco...look I, I thought the whole reason you brought me here is cause you wanted a trial attourney, you know who's committed and passionate and blah blah blah
Rachel: Yes and when one of these cases actually deserves to go before a jury the courtroom is all yours, but in the meantime I need you to pick up the phone and passionately negotiate some settlements (Sandy laughs) Come on I put my ass on the line to get you this gig, please, do it for me

A 回答 (1件)

“It’s a very fair offer given the merits of the case.”

*given ~:~を前提に

“I’m going to the court ~ bringing them down.”
*take ◯ on:◯と戦う。殴り合い、言い合い、どちらの場合でも使えます。勿論弁護士が言えば法律的な戦いです。
*bring ◯ down:◯をやっつける、へこませる、失脚させる、引きずり落とす。これは様々な意味があるので文脈で判断します。”bring him down here” は「彼をここに連れて来て」ですが、"bring him down to our level" は「彼を我々のレベルまで引きずり下ろす」です。ちょっと変えただけで、大分意味が変わるのがお分かり頂けると思います。

“this bastard who won't let his neighbour ~ own fense.”

“when one of these cases ~ is all yours.”
*"the courtroom is all yours":「法廷は全て貴方の物」とは「法廷で戦う事があれば、貴方の好きなようにして良い」と云う意味です。"the stage is all yours"「この舞台はあなたの物です→この舞台で好きなように演技して下さい」。(お店とか飛行機でトイレを使おうとして、前の人が出て来るのを待っているとします。その人が出て来た時に貴方を見て「it's all yours」と言えば「このトイレは全て貴方の物です→さあ、思う存分使って下さい」です。実際に使われる言い方ですが、普通に微笑んで "Thanks" と言えば十分です。)

“I put my ass on the line to get you this gig.”
*I put my ass on the line:”put my ass” は “put myself” を言葉を悪くして言っています。この言い方は非常に一般的ですが、正式な場、もしくは学校で先生と話をしている時など、では避けた方が良いでしょう。”line” はいくつか解釈の仕方があります。(1)銃殺の際に死刑囚が並べさせられる線、(2)戦場での「最前線」の「線」。いずれにせよ、その「線」に自分を置くと云う事は、非常に危険な事であり、「下手したら殺される/自分のキャリアに傷が付く/金銭的な損害が大きい/信用を失う」ような、危ない綱渡りになります。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2011/01/02 00:35
