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The Tower of Babel is a Near Eastern account recorded in the Book of Genesis. It is an origin myth meant to explain why the world's peoples speak different languages.
According to the story, a united humanity in the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating eastward, comes to the land of Shinar. There they agree to build a city and a tower tall enough to reach heaven. God, observing their city and tower, confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other, and scatters them around the world.
Some modern scholars have associated the Tower of Babel with known structures, notably the Etemenanki, a ziggurat dedicated to the Mesopotamian god Marduk by Nabopolassar, the king of Babylonia circa 610 BCE. The Great Ziggurat of Babylon was 91 metres (300 ft) in height. Alexander the Great ordered it to be demolished circa 331 BCE in preparation for a reconstruction that his death forestalled. A Sumerian story with some similar elements is told in Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta.

これは、有名なバベルの塔のお話ですね。それでは、wpmp.88767さんは 世界には どれくらいの言語があると思いますか? 中には 消滅の危機に瀕している言語もあります。

現在、世界には6,000から7,000の言語があるとされる[1]。Michael E. Kraussによれば、100万程度の話者を持つ言語は、今後100年程度は安定であるとされている。この基準によれば現存する言語のうち半数は22世紀の初めまで、つまり約100年以内に完全に話し手を失い、消滅すると予想される言語である。

An endangered or moribund language is a language that is at risk of falling out of use as its speakers die out or shift to speaking another language. Language loss occurs when the language has no more native speakers and becomes a "dead language". If no one can speak the language at all, it becomes an "extinct language". A dead language may still be studied through recordings or writings, but it is still dead or extinct unless there are fluent speakers. Although languages have always become extinct throughout human history, they are currently dying at an accelerated rate because of globalization and neocolonialism. language shift most commonly occurs when speakers switch to a language associated with social or economic power or spoken more widely, the ultimate result being language death. The general consensus is that there are between 6000 and 7000 languages currently spoken, and that between 50 and 90% of them will have become extinct by 2100. The 20 most common languages, spoken by more than 50 million speakers each, are spoken by 50% of the world's population, but most languages are spoken by fewer than 10,000 people. ・・・・・・

ただ、200ワード以上と言っても それでは 長すぎるので、うまく まとめてくださいね。
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