
Do sightseeing areas and community facilities in Japan have free Wi-Fi? Would Wi-Fi be available at hotels?

A 回答 (2件)

Many public places in Japan have free Wi-Fi service available.

The government and authorities concerned are promoting the increase of free Wi-Fi spots in the country in an attempt to respond to the surge of the number of foreign tourists.

NTTBT, a company under the unbrella of the country's largest telecom company, docomo, has launched free wifi service called "Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi" and this service is endorsed by Japan National Tourist Organization too.

Free Wi-Fi service has been provided since last December to foreign tourists along the Keio Railway Line. This service provided by NTTBP has expanded its reach to airports, on bullet trains and variuos commercial facilities. As of 2014 December, there are 91,000 Wi-Fi spots by this around the nation. I believe internet conneciton by Wi-Fi will become more and more available in even a wider vaviety of sighseeing spots and towns.

"Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi" APP;

Usually, a hotel in an urban area has Wi-Fi service available.
There would be LAN cable in their guests rooms too and so you will be able to use the internet.
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If you don't care the security, many restaurants and bars offer free Wi-Fi.

Most of hotels offer, too. If you mind security, use one by WPA/WPA2 PSK needed PW.
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