
Im thinking to bring my Mom to visit Japan, but shes handicapped. She always wanted to see some jinjia in Japan, but I heard they are usually located at mountains. Is there a way that I can take my mom to some nice jinjia?

A 回答 (3件)

>it is difficult to all the information on the above page.

-->it is difficult to translate all the information on the above page.
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You can visit some jinja with wheel chair.

But I cannot find information in English.
Info with Japanese is on http://barrier-free-map.com/special-temple-shrin … .

So I will recommend you to
1. Ask again for information of the above site in English.
2. Specify what city/town/prefecture because it is difficult to all the information on the above page.

Looking forward to your asking again.
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For instance, Itsukushima-jinja (Miyajima) is accessible for handicapped persons, but some areas are restricted for them.

http://xn----kx8ayh846avkd5qpey4akha.jinja-tera- …
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