
Where can I see Kierin races near Tokyo? Can I take train? I will be visiting at the end of October. Thank you.

A 回答 (1件)

There are 2 KEIRIN races at Tokyo area.

■keioukaku keirinjo
Address: Chofu, Tokyo Tamagawa 4-31-1
Phone: 042-487-2157
Nearest station: From JR Nambu Line, Yanokuchi Station, 10 minutes by free bus
or, you can also use Keio Line, Keio Tamagawa Station, 6minute walk
URL: http: //www.keiokaku.com/ (Japanese)
Event Information: 67th anniversary Gold Cup race 10/29 (Sat) - 11/1 (Tuesday)

■tachikawa keirin
Address: Tachikawa, Tokyo City Akebonocho 3-32-5
Phone: 042-524-1121
Nearest station: JR Tachikawa Station or Tama city monorail Tachikawakita Station,
15minute walk or 5 minutes by free bus
Seibu Railway, Tamagawajosui Station, 10 minutes by free bus
URL: http: //www.tachikawakeirin.jp/
Event Information: 7th Tachikawa Municipal Tokyo Chunichi Sports Cup 10/19 (Wed) - 10/21 (gold)

Hope you enjoy !
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