
hope の後に名詞が来ることはないのですか?例えば、I hope his victory.みたいな

A 回答 (3件)


言ってるじゃん、that 節や不定詞が来て
hope his victory のような単純な名詞の場合、
hope for his victory となります。
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hope は他動詞として目的語を取ることもできます。

Learner's definition of HOPE
[+ object]
She hoped that she would be invited to the party. = She hoped to receive an invitation to the party.
We all hope (that) things will be better soon. = We're all hoping (that) things will be better soon.
They hope to succeed.
I hope (that) she remembers.
I hope you're feeling better soon.
I hope I haven't bored you.
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そうですね、hope for 〜ですね。

hope (that) 節の場合、他動詞に分類するのが普通で、
hope to do も want to do と同じように不定詞の名詞的用法として to do が目的語みたいに感じてしまいますが、
hope 名詞
という単純な SVO はありません。
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