
It occurs to Grace that she would hold a party for them.下記のように書き換え可能ですか?

It occurs to Grace who would hold a party for them

No sooner had she run out of the building than it fell down hadって過去完了形ですか?

A 回答 (1件)

It occurs to Grace that she would hold a party for them. を

It occurs to Grace who would hold a party for them. とは書き換えできません。
この that は関係代名詞ではありません。

it occurs to 人 that ... で「人が...しようとふと思いつく」のような意味で、
この that は I think that などと同じ接続詞です。
前の Grace が先行詞となっているわけではありません。
したがって、who に換えることはできません。

No sooner had she run out of the building than it fell down.
had だけというのでなく、had run で過去完了です。

She had no sooner run out of the building than it fell down.
が普通の言い方なのですが、ここで no sooner という否定部分を前に出すと、
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2010/11/24 21:06
