


A baby girl from Iran who had been blocked from entering the U.S. by the travel ban has been cleared to fly to Oregon for a desperately needed heart surgery. Danielle Nottingham has the latest.

"This is the fatal condition without teatment." Doctors at a Portland hospital say it's a race against time for baby Fatemeh Reshad. The 4-month old Iranian infant has two holes in her heart with the doctors in her home country unable to perform the surgery she needs. The family look to the U.S. for help. But after President Trump signed in immigration ban, Fatemeh and her family's visa appointments in Dubai were cancelled and they were forced to return home, frustrating her family in Portland, where they plan to have her operation. "My niece is 4-month old, coming here for surgery. U.S. is scared from her. What she's gonna do in this country is dangerous."

Immigration advocates and politicians like New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo fought to get Fatemeh here. On Friday, they secured emergency boarding documents for her family allowing them to travel.

Today doctors in Oregon are preparing for their next challenge saving Fatemeh's life. "We won't know for certain until she arrives exactly what her condition is. All I can say is 'The sooner she gets here, the better."

Fatemeh's advocator are worried about future action from the Trump administration. Reena, they're rushing to get her to the U.S. within the next few days.

これの3パラグラフ目の "On Friday, they secured emergency boarding documents for her family allowing them to travel."

なのですが、これは「ファテメちゃんと家族のビザの発給に必要な書類を緊急に取り揃えた」ということなのでしょうか。"emergency boarding documents" がいまいち分かりません。


A 回答 (1件)


"emergency boarding documents" =「緊急搭乗の書類」のようなものではないかと。

・they secured "emergency boarding documents" for her family allowing them to travel

    • good
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