
Kazuo Ishiguro: There's a bit of sex between two very old people, which perhaps isn't the right sort of sex for a movie. I find that idea, sex between two people who love each other but are decrepit touching and sad and moving. Yeah, I think it's perhaps the first sex scene I've actually published.
Charlie Rose: I think it is, yeah. Was it something you wanted to or was the subject of the relationship between two older people just presented itself and demanded that there be a dealing with this?

最後のwas the subject of ..の文ですが、文法的に合っていますか? インタビューなんで、途中で言い換えたりしてかもしれないなですが、、  Did the subject of ..? が正しいかなと思いますがどうですか?

A 回答 (2件)


Was it something you wanted to ですか?または Was the subject of the relationship between two older people just presented itself and demanded that there be a dealing with thisですか?

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was the subject of the relationship between two older people just presented itself and demanded that there be a dealing with this?


presented と demanded が過去形/過去分詞の形なので、did the subject …もダメです。

has the subject … を聞き間違え/描き間違えて was the subject…にしてしまったのだと思います。
    • good
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お礼日時:2022/06/07 20:50
