



ThisWorkbook.Path を使うというのはなんとなく分かりますが、


Sub 選択フォルダ内全て保護()
Dim myFol As Object, myFile As Object, sh As Worksheet
Dim openFilePath As String
Const myPass As String = "1111"
Set myFol = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "フォルダを選択してください", 0)
If myFol Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
openFilePath = myFol.self.Path & "\"
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each myFile In .GetFolder(openFilePath).Files
If .GetExtensionName(myFile.Path) = "xls" Then
With Application.Workbooks.Open(myFile.Path)
For Each sh In .Worksheets
sh.Protect Password:=myPass, DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, _
AllowFormattingCells:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True, _
AllowInsertingRows:=True, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True
Next sh
.Protect Password:=myPass, Structure:=True, Windows:=False
.Close False
End With
End If
Next myFile
End With
MsgBox "終了しました"
End Sub


Sub 選択フォルダ内保護全て解除()
Dim myFol As Object, myFile As Object, sh As Worksheet
Dim openFilePath As String
Const myPass As String = "1111"
Set myFol = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "フォルダを選択してください", 0)
If myFol Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
openFilePath = myFol.self.Path & "\"
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each myFile In .GetFolder(openFilePath).Files
If .GetExtensionName(myFile.Path) = "xls" Then
With Application.Workbooks.Open(myFile.Path)
For Each sh In .Worksheets
sh.Unprotect Password:=myPass

Next sh
.Unprotect Password:=myPass
.Close False
End With
End If
Next myFile
End With
MsgBox "終了しました"
End Sub


A 回答 (1件)


Sub 選択フォルダ内保護全て解除()
Dim myFol As Object, myFile As Object, sh As Worksheet
Dim openFilePath As String
Const myPass As String = "1111"
'Set myFol = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "フォルダを選択してください", 0)
'If myFol Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
openFilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" '←変更
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each myFile In .GetFolder(openFilePath).Files
If .GetExtensionName(myFile.Path) = "xls" And openFilePath & ThisWorkbook.Name <> myFile.Path Then '←変更
With Application.Workbooks.Open(myFile.Path)
For Each sh In .Worksheets
sh.Unprotect Password:=myPass
Next sh
.Unprotect Password:=myPass
.Close False
End With
End If
Next myFile
End With
MsgBox "終了しました"
End Sub
Sub 選択フォルダ内全て保護()
Dim myFol As Object, myFile As Object, sh As Worksheet
Dim openFilePath As String
Const myPass As String = "1111"
'Set myFol = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "フォルダを選択してください", 0)
'If myFol Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
openFilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" '←変更
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each myFile In .GetFolder(openFilePath).Files
If .GetExtensionName(myFile.Path) = "xls" And openFilePath & ThisWorkbook.Name <> myFile.Path Then '←変更
With Application.Workbooks.Open(myFile.Path)
For Each sh In .Worksheets
sh.Protect Password:=myPass, DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, _
AllowFormattingCells:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True, _
AllowInsertingRows:=True, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True
Next sh
.Protect Password:=myPass, Structure:=True, Windows:=False
.Close False
End With
End If
Next myFile
End With
MsgBox "終了しました"
End Sub
    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2012/08/22 09:21


