
各分の【⠀】を強調する文に変えてください (1)(2)は強調構文を使ってください

1) Emma saw the famous actor 【⠀at the airport⠀】.

2) 【Jack 】holds the school record for the 200-meter dash.

3) I 【did】 my homework, but left it at home.

4) 【 What】 is going on? what in the

5) I'm not 【tired】.


1)I have 【never】 tasted fresh sashimi like this.

2) A painting of the sea hangs 【above the bed】.

3) Her fear was 【so great 】that she couldn't move for a while.


A 回答 (2件)


2 Above the bed does a painting of the sea hang.
3 So great was her fear that
she couldn't move for a while.
    • good
    • 2

1 It was at the airport that Emma saw the famous actor.

2 It is Jack that holds the school record for the 200-meter dash.

3 Did I do my homework, but
left it at home.

4 What on earth is going on?
5 I'm far from tired.
1 Never have I tasted fresh
sashimi like this.
3 sogreat was her fear that
she couldn't move for a while.
    • good
    • 0
