

またパタンA,B,C は送信者がMail Deliver Systemになって、
パタンD は Mail Administratorに

<r-98sxxx@docomo.ne.jp>と<osaxxx@t2.ezweb.ne.jp> は彼の弟、

*** パタンA ***

<hd4qd0kmarxxxxxxxxxx@docomo.ne.jp> (expanded from
<hd4qd0kmarxxxxxxxxxx@unknown.docomo.ne.jp>): delivery temporarily
suspended: connect to mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp[]:
server refused to talk to me: 421 Service not available,
closing transmission channel

<kan.xxxx@docomo.ne.jp> (expanded from <kan.xxxx@unknown.docomo.ne.jp>):
delivery temporarily suspended: connect to mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp
[]: server refused to talk to me: 421
Service not available, closing transmission channel

<r-98sxxx@docomo.ne.jp> (expanded from <r-98sxxx@unknown.docomo.ne.jp>):
delivery temporarily suspended: connect to mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp
[]: server refused to talk to me: 421
Service not available, closing transmission channel

*** パタンB ***

<hd4qd0kmarxxxxxxxxxx@docomo.ne.jp> (expanded from
<hd4qd0kmarxxxxxxxxxx@unknown.docomo.ne.jp>): delivery temporarily
suspended: connect to mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp[]:
server refused to talk to me: 421 Service not available,
closing transmission channel

<kan.xxxx@docomo.ne.jp> (expanded from <kan.xxxx@unknown.docomo.ne.jp>):
delivery temporarily suspended: connect to mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp
[]: server refused to talk to me: 421
Service not available, closing transmission channel

<r-98sxxx@docomo.ne.jp> (expanded from <r-98sxxx@unknown.docomo.ne.jp>):
delivery temporarily suspended: connect to
mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp[]: server refused to talk to me: 421
Service not available, closing transmission channel

*** パタンC ***

<hd4qd0kmar92xxxxxxxx@docomo.ne.jp>: host mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp[]
said: 550 Unknown user ken-ponxx@docomo.ne.jp r-98sxxx@docomo.ne.jp
(inreply to end of DATA command)

<kan.xxxx@docomo.ne.jp>: host mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp[]
said: 550 Unknown user ken-ponxx@docomo.ne.jp r-98sxxx@docomo.ne.jp
(in reply to end of DATA command)

<ken-ponxx@docomo.ne.jp>: host mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp[]
said:550 Unknown user ken-ponxx@docomo.ne.jp r-98sxxx@docomo.ne.jp
(in reply to end of DATA command)

<r-98sxxx@docomo.ne.jp>: host mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp[]
said: 550 Unknown user ken-ponxx@docomo.ne.jp r-98sxxx@docomo.ne.jp
(in reply to end of DATA command)

<rb156maxxxxx@docomo.ne.jp>: host mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp[]
said:550 Unknown user ken-ponxx@docomo.ne.jp r-98sxxx@docomo.ne.jp
(in reply to end of DATA command)

*** パタンD ***

This is the EZweb Mail program at host wsmtp3.ezweb.ne.jp.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned
below could not be delivered to one or more destinations.

For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster>

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the message returned below.

The EZweb Mail program

<osaxxx@t2.ezweb.ne.jp>: host wfilter1.t2.ezweb.ne.jp
[] said:550<osaxxx@t2.ezweb.ne.jp>... User unknown

A 回答 (1件)


421 Service not available,closing transmission channel

550 Unknown user

>またパタンA,B,C は送信者がMail Deliver Systemになって、
>パタンD は Mail Administratorに

    • good
    • 0
