
Meg Cabotのメディエータという本の和訳版を以前読んでいて、洋書版の方も読んでみたいなと思いました。表紙のデザインを見ていると
Love You to Death and High Stakes
Mean Spirits and Young Blood



A 回答 (1件)


Meg Cabot
The Mediator #1: Shadowland

They told me there'd be palm trees.
I didn't believe them, but that's what they told me. They told me I'd be able to see them from the plane.
Oh, I know they have palm trees in southern California. I mean, I'm not a complete moron. I've watched 90210, and everything. But I was moving to northern California. I didn't expect to see palm trees in northern California. Not after my mom told me not to give away all my sweaters. "Oh, no," my mom had said. "You'll need them.

The Mediator #2: Ninth Key

Nobody told me about the poison oak. Oh, they told me about the palm trees. Yeah, they told me plenty about the palm trees, all right. But nobody ever said a word about this poison oak business. 'The thing is, Susannah—' Father Dominic was talking to me. I was trying to pay attention, but let me tell you something: poison oak itches.

The Mediator #3: Reunion

"Now this," Gina said, "is the life." I was forced to agree with her. The two of us were stretched out in our bikinis, taking in the rays and balmy seventy-five-degree weather on Carmel Beach. It was March, but you wouldn't have known it by the way the sun was pouring down on us.
Well, this was California, after all. 'I mean it,' Gina said. 'I don't know how you do it every day.'
I had my eyes closed. Visions of tall, icy Diet Cokes were dancing in my head.

The Mediator #4: Darkest Hour

Summer. Season of long, slow days and short, hot nights. Back in Brooklyn, where I spent my first fifteen of them, summer—when it hadn't meant camp— had meant hanging out on the stoop with my best friend, Gina, and her brothers, waiting for the ice cream truck to come by. When it wasn't too hot, we played a game called War, dividing into teams with the other kids in the neighborhood and shooting each other with imaginary guns. When we got older, of course, we quit playing War.

Mediator #5: Haunted

The Mediator #6: Twilight

ああ、言い忘れてましたが、Love You to Death and High Stakes ですが、
これはアメリカ版の Shadowland と Ninth Key をそれぞれ Love You to Death と High Stakes に改題して、

同様に、Mean Spirits and Young Blood は
アメリカ版のReunion と Darkest Hour を改題して、イギリス版として一冊にまとめたもの。
Bind-Ups も同じです。
    • good
    • 1
