
このThisは「今回」という意味,thatを関係代名詞と解釈すると次のように2文に分かれると思います.厳密には関係詞はwhenやfor whichになるんだと思いますが,forが省略されてthatだけが使われるようになったんだと勝手に理解しています.
This is the first time. / SV (for) the first time.

さて,SV for the first time.の文では,
I'm writing for the first time. 「初めてメールします」 と現在進行形が続いたり
I am in Tokyo for the first time. 「東京は初めてです」 と現在形が続いたりする例文が検索すると出てきます.

This is the first time that I'm writing. …(1)
This is the first time that I am in Tokyo. …(2)
となると思うんですが,一般にThis is the first time that SV のVは現在完了形だと解説されています.それでは(1)や(2)は間違いなんでしょうか.


This is the first time that I hear the news.
This is the first time that I've heard the news.

This is the first time that I visit Europe.
This is the first time that I've visited Europe.




  • timeの部分に他の名詞が来る場合について

    This is the first cheese that I ate.
    This is the first cheese that I have eaten.

    の2つを比べると,前者は過去形で過去の1点を指し,例えばthenを付けて,「そのとき」複数個のチーズを食べて(I ate some cheeses.),これがその中で最初に口にしたものです(This is the first one.),という意味になるのでしょうか.



      補足日時:2016/04/06 15:32
  • あ,食べてなくなってしまうとまずいのかな.食べ残したかけらがそれぞれ落ちていて,それを指さして,という場面で.

      補足日時:2016/04/06 15:35

A 回答 (2件)

>This is the first cheese that I ate.

>This is the first cheese that I have eaten.

>前者は過去形で過去の1点を指し,例えばthenを付けて,「そのとき」複数個のチーズを食べて(I ate some cheeses.),
>これがその中で最初に口にしたものです(This is the first one.),という意味になるのでしょうか.

従って、後者の「This is the first cheese that I have eaten.」が望ましい。

"this is the first * that I have eaten" 約 115,000,000 件
"this is the first * that I ate" 80 件

This is the first book that I wrote on a word processor.
this is the first movie that genuinely understands fear.
Not to mention this is the first train that is running on the new lines to Silver Springs, lines that William killed to get coming into that city.
this is the first machine that no rider or prospect could find fault with, as they have nothing but praise for it.

    • good
    • 0




This is the first time that the students in this class had the responsibility to act like scientists.
This is the first time that any of the cast or crew see a script.
This is the first time that God is named in the text.


Renaat Declerck
The Grammar of the English Tense System: A Comprehensive Analysis, p.48

This is the first time you {have spoken/*are speaking} to me.
Is that the first cigarette you {have smoked/*are smoking} today?


In sum, the following rules apply in the relative clause forming part of the pattern '{definite NP (e.g. it / this / that / that cigarette} is the ordinal numeral or superlative noun head relative clause' if the reference is to a pre-present hypersituation consisting of a number of substitutions of which the last is located at t0.

(a) The relative clause uses a progressive present perfect form if the present subsituation is seen as background for another situation.
This is the first letter I've ever been wrting (and couldn't finish because of a bomb scare).
This is the second time I {have been speaking/*am speaking to him (and have had to put the receiver down because someone came into the room).

(b) Otherwise, the relative clause uses a nonprogressive present perfect form:
This is the first time (that) she {has gone out/*goes out/*is going out/*has been going out} for months.
This is only the second time (that) {I have paid/*pay/*am paying/*have been paying} a contribution.
That's the fifth glass of champagne (that) he {has drunk/*drinks/*is drinking/*has been drinking} today.
The painting he's working on now is the best he {has produced/*produces/*is producing/*has been producing} since he started painting two years ago.

    • good
    • 1

This is the first cigarette I am smoking.
→This is the first cigarette. / I am smoking it.
This is the first cigarette, which I am smoking. と非制限用法ならいけそうですが,制限用法だと厳しいですね.

timeは「とき」というイメージじゃなくて,「回数」ですね.first timeは「1回目」.


お礼日時:2016/04/06 15:10

