
Can you recommned me some good souvenirs for kids (US) ?

A 回答 (5件)

I reccomend "candy maiking kit" by Kracie.co. make sushi, cake, etc. by candy yourself, easy and fun.

http://www.kracie-o-shop.jp/okashi/products/popp …

If it’s a little too expensive, how about cute candys like these ↓ all of its popular and long selling items in japan.
http://www.meiji.co.jp/sweets/chocolate/kinotake …

"Pocky" Macya taste is very populer souvenir among foreigners.
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How about anime disk subtitled in English?

Kids can experience Japanese culture.
I'm happy if they have interested in it.
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I want to recommend you to buy stationery.

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Japanese children's toys, I think that safety is very good.

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No.I cant

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