
What are the best places to see the snow monkeys in Japan?

A 回答 (3件)

The Tohoku region is best place, such as Aomori and Iwate, but yo

u can see them also in the Ueno Zoo in Tokyo.
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I tell you a good site.

http://www.yudanaka-shibuonsen.com/snow-monkeys- …

There is a snow monkey park in Shibu Onsen in Nagano-ken.
The monkey judged from a picture is cute, but you have to be careful.
It's because the wild monkey is very fierce.
When someone is walking with a shopping bag, it's often attacked by a monkey.
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Of course, JIGOKUDANI YAEN-KOEN (地獄谷野猿公苑; Snow Monkey Park) is the best. It's a good place to watch wild monkeys swimming in the spring with a wonderful snow world in winter but is hard to access because of its wild roads and no transportations.

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