
Can someone recommend a few good Sushi restaurants in Central Tokyo? Thank you!

A 回答 (1件)

There are too many restaurants and "Central Tokyo" is too big area to answer.

Price range is also too big to answer that means how much will you pay for Sushis.

This is the URL of Michelin Guide for Sushi restaurants in Tokyo.
http://gm.gnavi.co.jp/restaurant/list/tokyo/all_ …

Gurunabi is one of the famous restaurants search site having English version.
You can find cheaper ones than Michelins'.
https://gurunavi.com/en/reg/pf_tokyo/ct_sushi_se …
Choose "Location". "Central Tokyo" has some "Central" commercial areas.
    • good
    • 1

Thank you so much!

お礼日時:2016/11/16 17:12
