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The annual average river flow into the Sound is about 1,174 m3 s-1, and a third to a half of this comes from the Skagit River flowing into Whidbey Basin. It would take about 5 years for all the rivers flowing into the Sound to fill up its volume, which suggests, correctly, that rivers alone do not play a dominant role in circulating water through the Sound. This is also apparent in the salinity of the Sound, which averages about 28.5 parts per thousand, compared to about 34 for the nearby Pacific. This means that the Sound is roughly 83% seawater. Even as far south as Budd Inlet near Olympia it is still two-thirds seawater. The sum of rivers entering the Chesapeake is about twice that of those entering Puget Sound, and they would fill the Bay in just a year. Because of the stronger river forcing, and because it is shallower, the Chesapeake is about 50% seawater, with salinity varying smoothly from oceanic to fresh over its length.

ソース:Puget Sound's physical environment
    https://www.eopugetsound.org/articles/puget-soun …
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