
元・赤い鳥の山本潤子さんが、10年ほど前に「翼をください」と同曲の英語版である「I WOULD GIVE YOU ANYTHING」をセルフ・カヴァーしていて、この前部屋の掃除をしていたら、そのCDを見つけたので久々に聴いたのですが、英語版の1番Aメロの2回目の部分が、赤い鳥時代にはなかった歌詞(この歌詞の作詞もGayle Caldwellさんでしょうか?)なので、正確な歌詞がわかりません。見つけたCDも空ケースに入れていたらしく、CDジャケット(歌詞も)もまるごと紛失してしまいました。

Can you (?) songs
But now I know to long
I fly for you again
My life is beginning

また、2番はAメロは1回だけでしたが、実は歌われていない(知られていない)英語版Aメロ歌詞も存在するのでしょうか?(日本語版でいうところの、「今 富とか~」に相当する歌詞)


A 回答 (2件)


>Can you (?) songs

Can you hear this song と聞こえます。
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お礼日時:2009/10/06 21:50



♪I would give you anything♪

You gave your heart to me
I'll keep it tenderly
I want you to know
My love is forever

*I would give you anything
Turn the winter into spring
Ask the birds for their song at night
I would bring the stars to you
Make your wishes all come true
Change a grey sky to deepest blue
Love me too

I live to feel your touch
Forgive me if I want too much
You're all that I have dreamed
My life is beginning


I would give you anything
Turn the winter into spring
Change a grey sky to deepest blue
I would give you anything
Turn the winter into spring
Ask the birds for their song at night




You gave your heart to me
I'll keep it tenderly
I want you to know
My love is forever

Can you (?) songs
But now I know to long
I fly for you again
My life is beginning

*I would give you anything
Turn the winter into spring
Ask the birds for their song at night
I would bring the stars to you
Make your wishes all come true
Change a grey sky to deepest blue
Love me too


I live to feel your touch
Forgive me if I want too much
You're all that I have dreamed
My life is beginning


補足日時:2009/09/28 22:58
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