
Is the cosmetic goods actually cheaper in Japan than US? For example, shiseido. I wonder if its better I buy it when visiting Japan or just US.

A 回答 (3件)

It depends on the products but usually cheaper in Japan. You can check the prices on Amazon japan. English brand name or item number would work to search.

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It is cheap to buy the cosmetics of Shiseido in Japan.

However, most of Japanese women go to South Korea to buy cosmetics.
This will be because the product of Shiseido is expensive even if buy it in Japan.
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The Japanese cosmetic products are cheaper buying here than buyin

g in US. Short time visiters can also receive the fax free benefit in many shops, including discount shops. My friends from overseas actually buy a lot of Japanese cosmetic procuts as gifts to their friends, when they go back to their countiries for holiydays.
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