

A 回答 (2件)

I don't know.

Basically, What kind of IDE you use is what you choose.
Thus, if you disliked an IDE, you would just kick the butt of it, and simply look for another IDE that you would love. Do not stick with VSC, for instance, if you disliked and somebody forced you to use.

In my case, I use Spacemacs.


I do not recommend it. I do not want to force you to use.
You may love it, or not. Who knows?
The other alternatives, that may be famous, are probably Eclipse or NetBeans.



Whichever, you should check them by yourself.
Do not trust others, because their tastes may not be the same as yours.

You cannot avoid compiling if you use a compiler; however, according to the specification of C/C++, C/C++ implementation is not necessarily to be a compiler. A lot of people misunderstand like "C/C++ is a compiler language", but that is NOT true. The specification does not define nor require so.
In other words, if you want, you will find some C/C++ interpreters for the programming-educational purpose.
Just Google like "C free interpreter".
    • good
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Ik~ but the thing is I'm not specifically talking about VSC. I just don't like the whole tiny tedious things I have to go through when I am to program something. It's completely fine for me to just do some coding and submit the file in classes but when it comes to the things out side these unpractical situations, I don't think I can do a thing by myself. I can't even change the font colors on VSC. Every time I open up my VSC and start coding, it says some Extensions are no longer supported or some upcoming update will possibly blah blah. I think it's not just me feeling weak for no reason it's just broken and too inconvenient, the whole thing, from IDEs to some boring minute tasks on my computer I have to google every time it claims some inconsistent errors happening, inconsistency I mean by this, I can tell some common errors for me saying things like "Activating the Pull Requests and Issues extension failed." can happen real random. I don't think these problems are something I can ev

お礼日時:2022/11/17 17:26

What you stated at #1 is not complaining. That is TRUE.

To be honest, setting up an IDE and playing with its preference are very very tough to do for programming beginners. If things do not go well, they are much more god-damn complicated than programming itself.
Unfortunately, the blockhead ratio of recent programming teachers increases; thus those idiots introduce IDEs to their students; consequently, a lot of poor students are messed up and go to hell.

You can make sure whether it is true or not. See some questions in this category of Oshiete! goo. A bunch of programming beginners, for instance, learning Python have met troubles, troubles, and troubles, related to VSC. If they did not use VSC, they would never have met such problems. Because they chose to use such IDEs, they had been fucked up before starting to learn "How to program".

I do not say that VSC is a bad IDE. What I am saying is VSC or such an IDE is too complicated to be used for programming beginners.
They will get used to it some day; however now is not the time. They have to take a long time to train themselves around programing and knowing PCs better before using IDEs.

Therefore, if you recognized yourself as a programming beginner, it might be better to throw up an IDE. What you would need is an ALL-IN-ONE implementation. That kind of stuff soothes your headache.
Yes, all programming beginners should use an ALL-IN-ONE stuff, and it will release you from the extension-hell, obviously speaking.
If you stick with a Microsoft environment, you had better use ... uh, Visual Studio 2022?(Sorry, because I am a Linux user, I do not know Visual Foo so much)

Visual Studio 2022:
https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/ja/vs/feature …

Anyway, what you have to get is something including everything. No extensions. No add-ons. No playing with preferences.

Otherwise, you may choose this free software.

https://learning-c-language-development-environm …
    • good
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You are being too nice~ I wasn't expecting someone, especially someone with great backgrounds like you to relate to me.. You made my day so thank you so much <3
I think you are so sweet tbh...

お礼日時:2022/11/17 20:24
