

I want to make friends with many people.

It is because I was too shy to talk with the strangers.
Therefor, I didn't have much friends.

It is obvious I come to talk with strangers possibility more than now and became intimate with a lot of people.


A 回答 (1件)

I want to make friends with many people.

Because I have been too shy to talk with the strangers, so I couldn't make friends a lot before.

If I can come to talk with strangers more frequent than ever before I'll be intimate with a lot of people, I believe.
(50 words)
    • good
    • 1

I have been too shy to talk with the strangers 現在完了形を使うのを忘れてました(>_<)
とても参考になりました^^ またお願いします(>_<) thank you very much.

お礼日時:2011/02/02 22:33
