

(1) Let's drink a round () the memory of our founder,Dr. Smith. Cheers!

①in ②regarding ③trusting ④to ⑤at

(2) She is very tired today; she sat () all night watching a sick child.

①up ②through ③past ④on ⑤into

(3) John was forced to drop () of school due to his financial situation.

①from ②in ③through ④up ⑤out

(4) The spelling mistake in the newspaper article was easy to see; it seemed to jump () at me.

①out ②upon ③by ④around ⑤above

(5) Could you read () this report by tomorrow, and give me your opinion of it?

①end ②upon ③through ④care ⑤onto

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2 up
3 out
4 upon
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