

Thank you for contacting us for assistance.

This is Jennifer from Uniblue Customer Support team.

We have received your refund request for order 14614965 and require your acknowledgement of our Refund Terms and Conditions.

Please reply within 7 days by return email to the following terms and conditions in order to continue processing your request. We will continue processing your refund for each product when you accept the following terms and conditions.

Refund Terms and Conditions

Customer understands and agrees that, prior to receiving a refund, Customer must take the necessary measures to delete and destroy the intellectual property licensed to Customer (for use under the terms of the Publisher's license agreement) for which Customer is seeking the refund.

Customer represents and warrants that Customer has in fact rendered the product completely unusable by Customer, and that Customer has not made any copies of the product available to any other person. Customer further represents and warrants that Customer has not kept any back up or other copies of the product for any reason.

Customer acknowledges that any continued use of the software product constitutes a willful copyright infringement on the part of Customer. By law, Customer may be liable for civil damages (including attorneys' fees) of up to 150,000 USD for each willful copyright infringement.

Please advise by return email if you Accept or Decline the above.

Please let me know should you require any further assistance.

(Please reply to this email if you have any additional questions. N.B. : Do not send attachments totaling over 5MB in size or your email might not be received.)



A 回答 (1件)


http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question …


    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2010/09/01 14:23
