The day Alma saw God, the holy .dead were waiting for Easter behind a mirror. In the mirror, Alma was not reflected. It did not even know what it would reveal. Alma still remembers that vivid night when death and life ran through his.
The sun shone in Alma's room, and Alma woke up today based on it. Someone died, someone lived, and someone loved on that morning of hope, and the dead did not wait forever to travel to heaven.
Alma went to the city and walked outside. There were all kinds of buildings outside. At every turn, God did not want to see the end of a dying, very sick person. And God waited for people to die. As soon as the sun went down, the very sick were written in the Book of the Dead and awaited mourning. It was a gathering of the traveling dead. I don't even know if that would appease Dare. The morning had not yet broken the dream.
Alma looked at the sky. The sky was azure, and the coming of the vermilion night would be cut off in a few more moments of ease.
Sincerity has the power to give new content to justice. It is expressed as forgiveness.
Pope John Paul II's prayer was whispered from the sky.
There is still time for the world to be broken. Alma came forward to be the restorer of the world. It may be the illusion that those who know death have been waiting for until the end.
God existed behind the mirror that Alma saw. And Thomas Aquinas, a servant of God, distributed the proof of God's existence to his followers as a theological document. A short time later, a monk pinned a title to the door of the castle church. It was the beginning of the Reformation. The Reichstag called on the friar, who delivered a speech to the Reichstag entitled "To the Christian Nobility of Germany. The friar delivered a speech in which he said, "Souls cannot be saved by a letter of atonement. A little later came the Holy Roman Emperor Karl V. You know that Hus was burned in 1415. Cancel the claim," he advised the friar, who refused. Next came Pope Leo X, who excommunicated the friar. Finally, Constantine XI, the last Eastern Roman emperor awaiting the purification of his soul, awoke from his dream and led Alma to become a monk. Alma handed the rose to the monk. At that moment, vocal music rang out. Alma had not yet heard the song of God sung by the fierce angels in the land of purity.
Thus Alma recorded her first visit to the Kingdom of God in his diary.
- 回答日時:
Heという代名詞を使わずに。細かい表現で 頭に絵地図が浮かぶようです。
the Kingdom of God 神の王国への訪問 など単語も聖書のように
風格が漂った単語も多く 声に出しても格調高い英文が多いです。
- ・漫画をレンタルでお得に読める!
- ・あなたの人生で一番ピンチに陥った瞬間は?
- ・初めて見た映画を教えてください!
- ・今の日本に期待することはなんですか?
- ・【大喜利】【投稿~1/31】『寿司』がテーマの本のタイトル
- ・集中するためにやっていること
- ・テレビやラジオに出たことがある人、いますか?
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- ・コーピングについて教えてください
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- ・おすすめの美術館・博物館、教えてください!
- ・【お題】大変な警告
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- ・洋服何着持ってますか?
- ・みんなの【マイ・ベスト積読2024】を教えてください。
- ・「これいらなくない?」という慣習、教えてください
- ・今から楽しみな予定はありますか?
- ・AIツールの活用方法を教えて
- ・最強の防寒、あったか術を教えてください!
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- ・歳とったな〜〜と思ったことは?
- ・モテ期を経験した方いらっしゃいますか?
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- ・スマホに会話を聞かれているな!?と思ったことありますか?
- ・それもChatGPT!?と驚いた使用方法を教えてください
- ・見学に行くとしたら【天国】と【地獄】どっち?
- ・これまでで一番「情けなかったとき」はいつですか?
- ・この人頭いいなと思ったエピソード
- ・あなたの「必」の書き順を教えてください
- ・14歳の自分に衝撃の事実を告げてください
- ・人生最悪の忘れ物
- ・あなたの習慣について教えてください!!
ジェームズ・アレン 英語原文
a friend of himとa friend of ...
a large amount of と large am...
a large amount of〜とlarge am...
word と words の違いを教えて...
If~ にbe going to は使えます...
her parents は複数形ですよね...
同じ意味になるように I am sor...
核強勢規則(Nuclear Stress Ru...
won't be able to と can't
中2の英語についてです。 「ke...
give himとgive to himの違いと...
英語にしてください! 「彼女の...
word と words の違いを教えて...
a friend of himとa friend of ...
won't be able to と can't
a large amount of〜とlarge am...
make a difference で、 変化を...
her parents は複数形ですよね...
won't と never の使い方
If~ にbe going to は使えます...
Go talkの並び順